Students for Choice (S4C) -General Donations

Students for Choice (S4C) -General Donations

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Students for Choice (S4C) is a student funded group that seeks to...

  • EMPOWER students and create a voice for reproductive choice

  • REPRESENT a diverse, pro-choice student body as a strong and visible force in the community

  • EDUCATE students about current political issues which threaten their right to make personal reproductive decisions

  • PROVIDE a wide range of information on local resources.

Additional information can be found on the student organization's website at

Donation to the Students for Choice (S4C) for general student organizational use. 

Donations are final and not subject to refund. Thank you for your kind support of our organization.

Students for Choice (S4C) is an ASUO Recognized Student Organization. ASUO is the University of Oregon's Student Government also known as the Associated Students University of Oregon.

Students for Choice c/o ASUO, 1395 University of Oregon, EMU Rm #004, Eugene OR 97403-2572

Fax:  (541) 346-0620          email:

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Students for Choice (S4C)

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Students for Choice (S4C)
General Donations to Students for Choice (S4C)

Students for Choice (S4C) is a student funded group that seeks to...

  • EMPOWER students and create a voice for reproductive choice
  • REPRESENT a diverse, pro-choice student body as a strong and visible force in the community
  • EDUCATE students about current political issues which threaten their right to make personal reproductive decisions
  • PROVIDE a wide range of information on local resources.

Additional information can be found on the student organization's website at

Donation to the Students for Choice (S4C) for general student organizational use. 

Donations are final and not subject to refund. Thank you for your kind support of our organization.

Students for Choice (S4C) is an ASUO Recognized Student Organization. ASUO is the University of Oregon's Student Government also known as the Associated Students University of Oregon.

Students for Choice c/o ASUO, 1395 University of Oregon, EMU Rm #004, Eugene OR 97403-2572

Fax:  (541) 346-0620          email:

Delivery method and Time Frame: Donations are final and not subject to refund. Thank you for your kind support of our organization.